

                      書目冊數與實體冊數不同時, 應同時記載。 → 實體冊數= 裝訂冊數

                      3 v. (xxi, 999 p.)  →3冊共999頁

       大字本  (字體很大的書)

                          Large print     →給年長者閱讀較多,台灣較少


            1 sound cartridge  → 挾式錄音帶

            2 sound cassettes → 卡式錄音帶

            1 sound track film reel 
                   → 常用於電影片。  影像外,2旁音軌分光學和磁性,可重疊;影片播放可選擇雙語發音。


1 score   → score = 套

1 miniature score (3 v.)  → 濃縮一套


盲人用書  (點數書均為單面)

             Braille  →點字

4 v. of jumbo braille   → 大點字

320 leaves of computer braille   → 電腦點字

300 p. of press braille   → 印刷點字(壓出來的)


先著錄本體的高廣, 再著錄容器的名稱及其高廣, 或者, 僅記容器的高廣:


圖書之高廣以公分為單位, 十公分以內記至小數點第一位, 十公分以上則進位至下一整數。
   → 為了上架方便,這跟書架大小有關。




1.A group of separate items related to one another by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective title applying to the group as a whole.  The individual items may or may not be numbered.                                                                                        ↑XXX類全集

2.Each of two or more volumes of essays, lectures articles, or other writings similar in character and issued in sequence (e.g., Lowell's Among my books, second series). 

3.A separately numbered sequence of volumes within a series or serial (e.g., Notes and queries, ise series, 2nd series, etc.)
Anglo-American cataloguing rules. prepared under the direction of the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR, a committee of the American Library Association ... [et al.] / Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR, American Library Association, Canadian Library Association,  Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. -- 2nd ed.. 2002 revision. -- Ottawa : Canadian Library Association, 2002. -- 1. v.. loose-leaf, 30 cm. -- ISBN  0888022999 (unbound).  Appendi D-7


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