

E. Collection evaluation methods評定館藏的方法

The techniques and processes used to gather data for collection assessment are briefly described below. The data ideally describe in a succinct fashion the strength and depth of existing collections and provide a basis on which to assign collection levels.

Some techniques are essential and should be used consistently, while others are valuable under certain circumstances and not always necessary. It is up to the individual conducting the evaluation to select the methods, which will be used for each segment of the collection. This decision is based upon the availability of data, the amount of staff and other support available, and the goal for the final outcome (how it will be used in the library/institution). The techniques available for evaluating collections may be divided into two groups: those that are primarily collection-centered and those that are client-centered. Collection-centered techniques examine the content and characteristics of the information resources in order to determine the size, age, scope and depth of the collection in comparison to an external standard. Client-centered techniques describe how the collection is used and indicate the effectiveness of the collection relative to use. Collection assessment is likely to be most accurate and produce the most useful results when combinations of client-centered and collection-centered techniques, including both quantitative and qualitative results are employed in the data gathering and description process.



有些技術是應該被一貫使用的,而其它在某種情況下雖然是有價值但不是必要的。這將用於收集的每部分由個人評估選擇方法並決定。這個決定基於數據的可用性、人員的數量、其他可提供的支持和最後的結果(將如何被圖書館/ 機構使用)的目標。可提供館藏評價的技術可能被分成兩組︰集中收藏館藏的技術和以讀者為中心的技術。




- Quantitative Measures 定量標準

Quantitative measures reveal size, age, use, costs and other numeric data. Examples of quantitative measures include inventory, or shelf list measures to determine actual title or volume counts, by segment or subject area. Median age or similar measures indicate the currency of the materials. Amount expended for acquisitions in a segment or subject area per year illustrates the ongoing commitment to develop that area. Percentage of titles owned by a library when compared to a standard list shows the breadth and depth of the collection. Use statistics (including internal library use and ILL) are both collection and client-centered.


定量標準顯示尺寸、年代、使用情況、費用和其他數值的數據。例如包括館藏清單或確定實際書本或卷數,以部分或學科的領域。中間的年代或相似的措施表明資料的流通時間。每年在部分或學科的領域裡為獲得而用掉的數量,說明進行中承諾發展那領域的部分或學科。一座圖書館擁有館藏的百分比,當與一個標準表相比時,顯示館藏的廣度和深度,。以讀者為中心使用統計(包括圖書館內部使用和館際互借) 的收藏。



- Qualitative Measures 性質上措施

Qualitative measures are obtained through subjective evaluation and involve the professional judgment of librarians, appraisal from subject experts, or the opinion of customers. These techniques include impressions of the condition, character and appropriateness of a section of the collection. Another qualitative technique is the judgment made by comparison of one subject in the collection to a similar subject in another library, or to a subject bibliography.


性質上措施獲得主觀的評估和圖書館員的專業判斷、來自各學科專家的評價或者讀者的意見。 這些技術包括對收藏狀態性格的印象和選擇適合的館藏。 另一種性質上的方法是對照別的圖書館中相似學科或書目的收藏過程來比較做判斷。



F. Collection depth indicators 館藏收藏的深度指標

The collection depth indicators, or levels, are numerical values used to describe a library's collecting activity and goals. Three aspects of collection management are considered: current collection level, acquisition commitment, and collection goal.

Collection depth indicator definitions (see Appendix 2):

0 = out of scope

1 = minimal information level

2 = basic information level

3 = study or instructional support level

4 = research level

5 = comprehensive level


收集深度指標或者水準,數字價值被用來描述一座圖書館(收集活動和目標)。 收集管理的3 個方面被考慮︰ 當今的收集水準,獲得承諾和收集目標。


0 = 在範圍之外

1 = 最低的收藏標準

2 = 基本的收藏標準

3 = 支持教育或研究的標準

4 = 研究標準

5 = 綜合標準



G. Language codes (RLG) 語言代碼

E: English language material predominates; little or no foreign language material is in the collection.

F: Selected foreign language material included in addition to the English material.

W: Wide selection of material in all applicable languages. No programmatic decision is made to restrict materials according to language.

Y: Material is primarily in one foreign language. The overall focus is on collecting material in the vernacular of the area.


E : 資料語言以英語為主;在收集過程中,幾乎沒有其他外語資料。

F : 選擇除英文之外的其他外文資料。

W : 廣泛的選擇全部的適用語言資料。沒有計畫的決定限制資料的語言。

Y : 材料用一門外語主要。全部收集資料的焦點集中在國內地區。



H. Language codes (WLN) 語言代碼

P: Primary language of the country predominates --- little or no other language material

S: Selected other language material included in addition to the primary language

W: Wide selection of languages represented

X: Material is mainly in one language other than the primary language of the library and country


P : 主要國家的語言 --- 很少或幾乎沒有其他的語言資料

S : 資料選擇除主要語言之外的其他語言

  W: 廣泛的選擇做為語言的代表

X : 資料中的主要語言不在圖書館和國家主要語言內



I. Policy implementation and revision timetables 實施政策和修訂時間表

This describes the process for implementation, timetable for revision and other official adoption issues and introduces the notion of control.




  •Check the regular and pertinent application of the collection development policy on   future acquisitions

•Call into question standing orders and subscriptions; thus apply retrospectively current policy standards on existing collections and relegate documents not fulfilling updated objectives.


  • 館藏發展政策中有關未來的收購和相關的應用需定期檢查。

• 是否持續訂購和訂閱;回顧當今的政策標準和屏除現有不是最新收藏目標的館藏。


Re-examine the policy text at a frequency to be determined in order to detect insufficiences and integrate new needs or recent modifications such as budget cuts, new curricula, etc


  • 固定的一段時間就要重新修訂館藏發展政策正文,發現不合時宜的地方並結合新需求或者修改當前的條文,例如:削減預算、很多新課程中的一門課等等





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